Connection, Craft, Collaboration, and Care

Winter at The Nest was giving deep hibernation energy and filled with lots of self reflection!

By Anchal Bibra | April 2, 2024

Last year, we walked ourselves through the brand framework process our team of creatives uses with clients as well as an internal communications exercise led by Anchal Bibra, our new Communications Director. We’ve come out of 2023 with refined values that define and guide our work at The Nest.

At The Nest, we think about the values of a brand as the ‘How’ of the brand! The development of values is an essential, grounding tool for any business, organization, or project. Imagine your brand as a new house you're building. A brand framework is like your blueprint. It lays out the essential parts (foundation, walls, roof) and how they'll all fit together. The guiding question we ask ourselves and our clients as we build and hone a set of values is: How will the work live & feel in the world?

Strong values act as the filter for a consistent and authentic brand identity for everything an organization creates. It helps anchor the work and the messages so it doesn’t drift away from its purpose. 

We’re excited to dive into our client and public programming work this year with Connection, Craft, Collaboration, and Care as our touchstones. 

To see a deeper dive into our values with our Founder and Creative Director, Leigh Robbie Gaymon-Jones, check out our IG Reel!


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